sewing fool

10 September 2005

The other speaker covers

allegedly went on beautifully, too, although I didn't see them myself. (Work.) ERB's right-hand-guy MKMK installed them and says he has photos on his new digital camera. (Shush, you; if he ever sends me the images, I WILL POST THEM. Promise.) Invoices have been sent and now I await payment. No, correct that: my VISA card awaits the checks.... How is it that I find a responsible almost-pleasure in paying off debt? I created it in the first place with the usurious "aid" of that devilish plastic!

Now I'm elbow-deep in flowergirl boleros. The first is nearing completion. Its one-piece body-sleeve unit is done; the sides/sleeves are sewn up (mattress stitch), and the cuffs have been garter-stitched onto the sleeves. I've picked up the 200+ stitches around the neck, front edges and hem (a big loop) and am on the first edging row, out of sixteen. I'm toying with the idea of staying up tonight until I finish the body edging. The second bolero, the largest, was started a few days ago in a fit of efficiency after I discovered I'd left at home an essential component for finishing the first. It's grown respectably but remains in infancy. I've learned quite a bit about the pattern, edges, finishing and myself. Knit-vana, almost. This is why I do it. That, and in this case, the paycheck.

But, oh, my great gay god, I still have the five little dresses to make. I haven't begun. They must be finished by 10/01. I have a little less than three weeks, and a full-time job.

In other news, I just got my first comment-spam in the form of a pair of seemingly unrelated, orthographically unsound, blatantly ungrammatical little notes with irritating links. Henceforth there will be word-veri. *sigh*


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